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Carrier TMS - Expense Management
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to add expenses to orders, show expenses on invoices, deduct from driver pay, run customized reporting and attach receipts from the mobile app.

Adding Expenses to New or Existing Orders 

To add expenses:

  1. Create Order or choose to Edit an existing order

  2. Scroll to the Expenses section near the bottom of the order

  3. Choose your expense Type from one of eight options:

 4. Enter the Price and Date of your expense (required)
 5. To show expenses on an invoice and add the amount to the total due, select         "Show on invoice." 

Here's an example of an expense on an invoice:

Once you save your order, you'll be able to view expenses on your invoice if you chose to add them, or within the order itself. 

Deduct from Driver Pay

You can choose to deduct an expense from the total amount that your driver's pay is calculated from. This feature accompanies our Driver Pay Report.

For example, if you hired someone to lift an inoperable car onto a trailer for $100 and you added that expense to your order, your driver's pay would be calculated off the total that includes the $100 expense, instead of off the original load total.  By choosing Deduct from driver pay, your driver will get paid his percentage off the load total only.

Adding expenses on Mobile

  1. From the Order view, scroll to find Add Expenses

  2. Choose your expense type, amount and date

  3. Choose whether to show the expense on your invoice or not

  4. Choose to add receipt images 


  1. Go to Reports and Choose Custom Report 

  2. Make sure "Expenses" is selected in your fields to export

  3. Generate and export your report

On the Orders tab of your exported report, you'll see expense totals by Load ID. If you switch to the Expenses tab, you can view details on each expense item, by load.

If you have more questions or feedback about our new expenses feature, open the support chat window in the lower right hand corner of the screen.

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