As a dispatcher, you can change the status of any order from your dashboard.
Click on Loads.
Find the order and click the Options Button.
After that, select Mark as Picked Up.
Then, select Mark as Picked Up in the confirmation dialog box.
Note: Manually updating statuses will prevent the Driver from completing an inspection for that step in the inspection process. We recommend that you ask your driver if they have inspected the vehicle before manually updating a status. If they have inspected the vehicle, manually updating the status may cause the inspection to be lost.
Once you proceed, the order will then move to the Picked Up tab within the Loads View.
If you then need to update the load to reflect a Delivered Status, you will repeat this process similarly.
Find the order in the Picked Up tab and click the Options Button.
After that, select Mark as Delivered.
Then, select Mark as Delivered in the confirmation dialog box.
The Load will then move into the Delivered tab within the Loads View!
And that is how to update statuses manually in the Carrier TMS! If you have any questions about this, or anything else Super Dispatch related, please give us a shout by clicking the chat icon in thge bottom right hand corner of the screen! 👋