When brokers or shippers send bulk loads of vehicles to carriers, the carrier needs to split them. So we created the "splitting orders" feature, which allows customers to split orders by vehicle. In the same vein, we created the "Combining Invoices" feature to combine those orders back into a single invoice for a broker or dealer.
How to combine invoices
We have made combining invoices as easy as sending invoices. Log into your dashboard on the computer. From there, find the Load ID for the order of which you would like to send an invoice.
On the right side of the screen, select "option," to view a drop down menu. Select "send invoice."
This will bring you to a new screen, which allows you to send the invoice to the email of your choosing. The load ID will already be selected, below the box labeled "Select orders to send multi-order invoice.
2. If you want another order on the invoice, start typing a load number in the box. A drop down list of orders will appear, and you will click the button to the left of the Load IDs to add it to your invoice. The orders that populate here will only be orders from this particular customer specified in the "customers/shipper" section of the invoice. See an example below:
With each load ID, you will see:
car type and VIN
pick up city and date
destination city and date
load status (new, delivered, picked up, etc.)
3. Once you have selected another invoice and pressed "Enter" it will be added to the list of orders below the box. In the example below, you will see that the additional order ID is below the original order ID. The "View Details" button next to each order is a hyperlink. Click it to open the order details. It will open in a new tab and allow you to double check the order. You can also press the "X" button to remove an order from this invoice.
4. After you have entered in the correct invoices, you will enter an email recipient. Below the email boxes, there are "Attachments" that you can include in the email message. Click the boxes next to each attachment to include them in the invoice email. If you are not sure what the attachments are, click the word "view" to see the image or attachment.
5. Once you have added an email and included attachments, you can preview the invoice or immediately send it.
The invoices will look as follows:
The load ID will be listed, with each vehicle and its price / associated costs. At the bottom of the invoice there will be a grand total.
Bills of Lading:
Every Bill of Lading for each order is included automatically as an attachment for these combined invoices.
You can send invoices to Quickbooks Online and Desktop!