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Carrier TMS - How to Import PDF Dispatch sheets and CSV Loads
Carrier TMS - How to Import PDF Dispatch sheets and CSV Loads

Supported dispatch sheets, CSV import requirements, CSV load template, importing a PDF dispatch sheet, importing a CSV load

Updated over a week ago

From which brokers can you import?

  • Accelerated Services

  • Acertus

  • Adesa

  • Autotransport

  • CarMax

  • Carvana

  • CarsArrive Network

  • Carpool Logistics

  • Central Dispatch

  • Circle Logistics

  • Manheim Gate Pass

  • Montway

  • Ready Logistics (RAT: Ready Auto Transport)

  • Reindeer

  • Road Warriors

  • RPM Freight Systems

  • Ship a Car Direct

  • Snowbirds Auto Connection

  • Toyota Transport

  • United Road

  • Wholesale Express


Remember: we support only Metrogistics dispatch sheets, not BOL templates.

How to import a PDF dispatch sheet?

  1. Go to the dashboard of the Broker (such as your metrogistics dashboard).

  2. Log in to your account and find an order you want to import. Save the order as a PDF on your computer.

  3. Go to the Super Dispatch dashboard and log in to your account.

  4. Open the Loads page. Click on the Import Load button on the top right to import the dispatch sheet you have downloaded before.

⚠️ Make sure that Super Dispatch supports the dispatch sheet you are importing.

5. Select the dispatch sheet with the PDF extension and click Open.

6. After a successful import, the imported load will open on the Edit page. You will stay on the Loads page if you have multiple loads imported from the dispatch sheet. Make sure all the information is correctly filled out and Save the load.

7. Congratulations 🎉 You are now ready to assign the load to a driver.

CSV import requirements

  • All column headers from the CSV template should be present while importing the load. You may leave some cells empty or change the order of columns.

  • Dates should be in the following format: MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY.

  • Transport Type could be open or enclosed.

  • Inoperable Vehicle could be yes or no. If the table cell is empty it set to no.

  • Requires Enclosed Trailer could be yes or no. If the table cell is empty it set to no.

  • Vehicle Type could be sedan, 2_door_coupe, suv, pickup, van, truck_daycab, truck_sleeper, motorcycle, 4_door_pickup, boat, rv, heavy_machinery, freight, livestock, atv, trailer_bumper_pull, trailer_gooseneck, trailer_5th_wheelr, other.

  • Payment Method could be ach, comchek, cop, cod, quick_pay, ckod, 5_days, 7_days, 10_days, 15_days, 20_days, 30_days, 45_days, factoring, other.

How to import a CSV load?

  1. Go to the Super Dispatch dashboard and log in to your account.

  2. Open the Loads page. Click the Import Load button on the top right to import the CSV file.

⚠️ Make sure you are following CSV import requirements. Also, you can download a CSV template to see an example of the format required.

3. Select the CSV file and click Open.

4. After a successful import, the imported load will open on the Edit page. You will stay on the Loads page if you have multiple loads imported from the dispatch sheet. Make sure all the information is correctly filled in and Save the load.

5. Congratulations 🎉 You are now ready to assign the load to a driver.

Don't hesitate to contact support at 816-974-7002 or start a chat line for more assistance!

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