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SuperPay payments are usually triggered when an order is labeled as "delivered."
However, numerous factors can lead to the temporary suspension of a SuperPay payment.
The primary causes for a SuperPay payment being put on hold are often attributed to the inability to fulfill one or more inspection criteria for the order.
SuperPay orders have the following inspection requirements:
GPS Location must be on and active on the drivers device at the time of Pickup and Delivery inspection.
The driver must scan the VIN in order to begin the pickup and delivery inspections.
The driver must inspect the vehicle with 6 photos within a 1 mile radius of both the Pickup and Delivery locations.
The Driver must collect and obtain signatures in person, and within a 1 mile radius of both the Pickup and Delivery locations.
The Driver must update the status of the load after completing the inspection within a 1 mile radius of the Pickup and Delivery locations.
In the event your payment for a SuperPay order is placed on hold, you can view the precise reason in both the Carrier TMS and the Driver App like in the example below:
Viewing On Hold Status & Reasons
These photos show where to see if the payment is on hold as well as the reasons for why it's on hold.
Carrier TMS: Load Details View
Carrier TMS: Load Details View
Driver App: Load Details View:
What does the On Hold reason mean?
NOTE: If your payment has been on hold for longer than 3 business days, we recommend that you contact the Shipper directly.
"Shipper Put Payment On Hold"
This means that the Shipper has placed the payment on hold manually.
This will outline the reasons a payment can be put on hold at pickup.
"Pickup signature not received"
This means that the pickup signature was not completed.
Pickup signature location not received
This means that the GPS location of the Pickup signature not available due to location services being disabled on driver’s device.
Pickup location was not received
This means that the GPS location for vehicle pickup was not available due to location services being disabled on the driver’s device.
Pickup inspection location not received
This means that the GPS location for vehicle pickup inspection was not available due to location services being disabled on the driver’s device.
Pickup signature received outside of listed location
This means that the pickup signature received outside of a 1 mile radius of the Pickup location.
Pickup marked outside of listed location
This means that the pickup inspection was completed outside of a 1 mile radius of the pickup location.
Pickup photos taken outside of listed location
This means that the pickup photo Inspection was completed outside of a 1 mile radius of the pickup location.
This will outline the reasons a payment can be put on hold at delivery.
Delivery signature not received
This means that the delivery signature was not completed.
Delivery signature location not received
This means that the GPS location of the delivery signature not available due to location services being disabled on driver’s device.
Delivery location was not received
This means that the GPS location for vehicle delivery was not available due to location services being disabled on the driver’s device.
Delivery inspection location not received
This means that the GPS location for vehicle delivery inspection was not available due to location services being disabled on the driver’s device.
Delivery signature received outside of listed location
This means that the delivery signature received outside of a 1 mile radius of the delivery location.
Delivery marked outside of listed location
This means that the delivery inspection was completed outside of a 1 mile radius of the delivery location.
Delivery photos taken outside of listed location
This means that the delivery photo Inspection was completed outside of a 1 mile radius of the delivery location.
“Not Received”
This means that the carrier did not complete the advanced inspection as required, or their GPS location was not received due to being disabled.
"Vehicle marked with damages"
This means that New damages have been marked on the vehicle after delivery.
Manual status update:
This will list the reasons for when a Carrier or Dispatcher marked the load Picked Up or Delivered manually via Carrier TMS.
"Carrier manually marked as Picked Up"
This means thee load was not inspected at the Pickup Location with the Super Dispatch App.
"Carrier manually marked as Delivered "
This means the load was not inspected at Delivery Location with the Super Dispatch App.
Of course, if you have any questions about the SuperPay process, you can certainly contact Super Dispatch support by clicking on the chat line in the bottom right or call us at (816)974-7002.