Create a Driver Pay Report for a Selected period
This report allows a dispatcher or an accountant to view high-level payroll details for the drivers of a carrier.
To open Driver Pay Report:
Visit the Reports page.
Click on "Driver Pay Report" on the left.
The Driver Pay Report page lists all company drivers and the following information:
Name: The driver’s name.
Pay Rate: driver's pay rate as a percentage. The pay rate is editable, and changes are automatically saved.
Revenue: revenue attributed to a driver's work within a timeframe. By revenue, we mean the sum of that driver's delivered orders ([prices] - [the sum of broker fees]). If a driver delivered 5 orders each for a price of $200.00, and two orders have a broker fee of $40.00 each, the revenue is: (5 * $200.00) - (2 * $40.00) = $920.00
Driver Fee: how much money a driver is owed based on their pay rate and revenue they brought in. It's calculated this way: (Revenue / 100) * (Pay Rate) = fee
A dispatcher can change the Report Period and/or Pay Rate using the filters provided:
Archived orders are not included in the report.
All drivers are listed, whether active or inactive.
Deducted expenses
[NEW 9/5/2018]
Super Dispatch has added an "Expenses" attachment when creating an order in the dashboard. It allows you to add expenses like pulling fees, fuel taxes, and storage expenses.
This affects Driver Pay because you can deduct it from a driver's pay. For instance, if you hired someone to lift an inoperable car onto the trailer for $100 and charged your broker for that but didn't want your driver taking a percentage of that pay, you can choose to deduct it from his/her overall pay.
Example of deducted fee:
Our example is Load 356673. Here, you see there is an "expenses" tab with four options:
Type of fee
Price of fee
Date of fee
"Show on invoice?" yes/no
"Deduct from driver pay?" yes/no
This load has deducted $100 from Driver Pay.
This screenshot shows the total load price ($850) and that it is assigned to a Driver named "Christopher."
Once you have saved your order, it will be reflected in the Driver Pay Report. Open Driver Pay Report, set a date range to cover the date range of the order to see the deduction accounted for:
Driver "Christopher" only delivered one load (Load 356673) for $850 with a $100 pulling fee deducted from their pay. As a % Pay Rate was left blank, the driver is shown as being owed $0 as a Driver Fee.
If you need Help or further assistance, please contact the Support chat on the bottom right of the screen.