This is how to import from Central Dispatch (the steps are the same for other major broker dispatch sheets as well - once you have the PDF opened). Screenshots of the steps are below!
Start by logging into your Central Dispatch account using the same device you are signed into Super Dispatch. Go to Find Shipments → Dispatched To Me.
2. Find a load you would like to import and click on the black View button to print the load.
4. Click on the Print button to begin import process.
2. Open the Downloaded Document, with your PDF reader application.
NOTE: Make sure that you do not set Super Dispatch as the default application to open PDF documents. Open with a dedicated PDF reader that comes built-in on your phone, then follow the next step. (If you do not have a built in PDF reader, download one HERE.)
3. From the PDF reader app, click on Options menu and hit "Open with..."
4. Select Super Dispatch from the "Open with..." list
5. Click on the "Import" button to import the load into Super Dispatch.
6. The result will be displayed whether the import was successful or not.
7. Open up Super Dispatch App, and find your newly imported order from the list!
After you import an order, you are ready to Start a Vehicle Inspection.
NOTE: this is the list of major broker PDFs that can be currently imported using this automatic import method:
Central Dispatch
Ready Logistics (RAT: Ready Auto Transport)
CarsArrive Network
Metrogistics (Dispatch Sheet and BOL)
United Road
Road Warriors
Accelerated Services
Wholesale Express
Ship a Car Direct
Circle Logistics
ACV Auctions
All other third party PDF dispatch sheets will need to be manually entered.
If you need Help or further assistance, please contact Support chat on the bottom right of the screen.