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All CollectionsCarrier TMSReporting Feature
Carrier TMS - How to Generate and Export Reports from the Dashboard
Carrier TMS - How to Generate and Export Reports from the Dashboard

This article will explain how to generate reports from your carrier TMS dashboard!

Updated over a week ago

In the dashboard, under Reports, the user can generate customized reports for business data analysis. Numerous combinations are available to generate these reports - resulting in the most specific data sets as required.

Selectable criteria include: 1) Export by 'Include*' - either by All, Active or Archived; 2) Export by 'Status*' - either by All, New, Picked Up or Delivered; 3) Export by 'Drivers,' single, multiple or all drivers, 4) 'Select fields to export,' with checkboxes for Load ID, Internal Load ID, Date, Pickup address, Pickup date, Load info, VIN #, Delivery address, Delivery date, Rate, Broker Fee, Payment Terms, Paid Amount, Payment Method, Reference Number, Receipt Date, Payment Notes, Payment Status, Invoice #, Invoice date, Broker, Broker's Tel, Driver, Dispatcher, and/or Trip, and 5) Export 'Order by*' Creation Date or Delivery Date.

*Note: 'Include,' 'Status,' and 'Order by' criteria all require one (and only one) radio button selection for an accurate report to be generated.

Once all report criteria and fields have been selected, click the blue Export button. An Excel file will be generated and emailed to the default company email address (the same email address used as the login email.) This email address can also be easily changed by selecting 'change email address" and updating the Billing/Accounting email address in the Edit Profile section. 

  • Once submitted, a report in the form of a .csv file will be sent to your company’s Profile Email address.

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