SuperPay payments have unique statuses and logged events that provide valuable insights into where you are in the SuperPay payment process. These statuses and events are designed to keep you informed about every stage of the payment process. Below, we’ll guide you through the key SuperPay statuses and events you’ll encounter in the Shipper TMS.
SuperPay Status Flags
Below, we will cover SuperPay Status Flags:
SuperPay Charged
SuperPay has debited the connected bank account, and the debit transaction is processing.
When it occurs: After the load is marked as Delivered by the Carrier.
Note: Digital Delivery Verification is not required for SuperPay to charge the Shipper. The Shipper will always be charged regardless of how the status is changed to Delivered.

Payment Initiated
Payment to the Carrier has been initiated.
When it occurs: If this status appears immediately after the load is marked as Delivered, it means the payment is scheduled to be paid on the 3rd business day after delivery.
Important: Payments can be placed on hold within two business days of the delivery date (the delivery date itself does not count as a business day).

Payment on Hold
Payment to the Carrier has been placed on hold.
When it occurs:
Manually by the Shipper.
Automatically due to a failed step in Digital Delivery Verification.

Payment transaction to the Carrier has been completed successfully.
When it occurs: Once the Carrier has received payment, the SuperPay order will automatically update to Paidstatus.

Payment Failed
Payment transaction to the Carrier has failed.
Action required: Contact Super Dispatch Support immediately for assistance.

SuperPay Activity Log Events
Below, we will go over SuperPay Activity Log Events:
SuperPay Charge Initiated
SuperPay has debited the connected bank account, and the debit transaction is processing.
When it occurs: After the load is marked as Delivered by the Carrier.

SuperPay Failed
Payment transaction has failed.
Action required: Contact Super Dispatch Support immediately for resolution.
SuperPay Charged
SuperPay has successfully debited the connected bank account, and the transaction is complete.
• When it occurs: After the charge to the Shipper is processed. SuperPay holds the funds until payment to the Carrier is initiated.

Carrier Payment Will Be Initiated
The payment transaction to the Carrier has been scheduled.
What it means: The ACH transfer to the Carrier’s connected bank account has been scheduled but not yet initiated.

Carrier Payment Is Processing and Expected
The payment transaction to the Carrier has been initiated.
What it means: The ACH transfer to the Carrier’s connected bank account has started and is processing.
Carrier Paid
The payment transaction to the Carrier has been completed successfully.

Payment on Hold
Payment has been put on hold.
The Carrier did not meet Digital Delivery Verification requirements.
Payment was held manually.

Payment Failed
The payment transaction to the Carrier has failed.
Action required: Contact Super Dispatch Support immediately.

Need Help?
Should you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to contact our support team at any time. You can reach us via email at, or simply click on the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen to start a conversation with us. We’re here to help and look forward to assisting you!