Hello, and welcome to Super Dispatch! If this is your first article, I would like to welcome you personally to our platform! Today, we will review the new Suggested Tab inside Carrier TMS! This new tab will allow you to view suggested loads based on our load-matching algorithm. This will show you similar loads you have previously moved or potentially in a similar lane.
Suggested Tab
As the Introduction Portion states, this new Tab will show you suggested loads. These loads may be similar to those you have moved previously using our platform. You can find this tab once you log into the Website shown here.
Step 1: Click Suggested
- Click Suggested on the right hand side of the screen.
Step 2: Side Drawer
- Once you click on the tab, you will be shown a side Drawer with all of the suggested loads for you.
- You will also, have the ability to filter by drivers as well. You can start by entering their names in the field titled Filter By Drivers
Driver App
Additionally, for our Owner-Operators who primarily use the Driver App, we have added a tab for you as well! Once you open the app, this new tab should appear along the bottom row of tabs, allowing you to view suggested loads just like you can on the website.

Also, you'll be able to set preferences for the loads you would like to see suggested here. Below, we will outline how to complete that process!
Give a once-over of the text, and when ready, click "Set Preferences"
You can select your preferred pickup/delivery location by business type on the next page.
After that, you will have the option to specify your transport type and equipment
Finally, in Step 3 of 3, you can include vehicle preferences based on your trailer size and capacity.
Once you have selected confirm, you will be directed to the suggested load screen, where you can view all your suggested loads!
Need Help?
That's it; you are ready to start using the new Suggested Tab inside Carrier TMS and the Driver app. Should you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to contact our support team at any time. You can reach us via email at, or simply click on the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen to start a conversation with us. We're here to help and look forward to assisting you!