Organizing your contacts into Customers and Terminals can streamline your workflow and make managing your orders more efficient. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of separating and importing your contacts into the appropriate categories in Shipper TMS.
How to Separate Contacts
Below, we will walk you through How to Separate Contacts:
Step 1: Export Your Contacts
Go to the Customers tab in your Shipper TMS.
Select Export from the dropdown menu.
A CSV file containing all your contacts will be downloaded.
Step 2: Open the Exported File
Open the downloaded CSV file in Excel or Google Sheets.
Review your contacts and identify which ones are Customers and which ones are Terminals.
Highlight Customers in yellow and Terminals in green for easy differentiation.
You may sort or group your contacts by shared traits (e.g., having an email address) to simplify the process.
Step 3: Group Contacts by Color
Click the Data tab in your spreadsheet application.
Select Filter, then use the dropdown menu to sort rows by color:
Choose Yellow to group Customers at the top.
Choose Green to group Terminals at the bottom.
How to Import Customers
Below we will show you How to Import Customers:
Step 1: Download the Sample File
Go to the Customers tab in Shipper TMS.
Select Import from the dropdown menu and click Download Sample File.
Step 2: Prepare the Customer File
Open the downloaded sample file in Excel or Google Sheets.
Delete the sample data from rows 2 through 17 but keep the first row with headers intact.
Copy the yellow-highlighted rows from your exported contacts and paste them into this file.
Ensure all pasted information matches the headers.
For the Business Type column, you can use these values: BUSINESS, DEALER, AUCTION, PRIVATE, REPO_YARD, PORT, or leave it blank.
Save the file as a CSV.
Step 3: Backup and Delete Existing Customers
Keep a backup of the original file exported in Step 1 for future reference.
In the Customers tab of Shipper TMS, scroll to the bottom, select all customers, and delete them to clear the list.
Step 4: Upload the Customer File
Go back to the Customers tab and upload the prepared CSV file.
Your contacts will now be categorized as Customers in Shipper TMS.

How to Import Terminals
Below we are going to show you How to Import Terminals:
Step 1: Download the Sample File
Go to the Terminals tab in Shipper TMS.
Select Import from the dropdown menu and click Download Sample File.
Step 2: Prepare the Terminal File
Open the downloaded sample file in Excel or Google Sheets.
Delete the sample data from rows 2 through 13 but keep the first row with headers intact.
Copy the green-highlighted rows from your exported contacts and paste them into this file.
Delete any extra columns to match the sample file’s headers.
For the Business Type column, use these values: BUSINESS, DEALER, AUCTION, PRIVATE, REPO_YARD, PORT, or leave it blank.
Save the file as a CSV.
Step 3: Upload the Terminal File
Go to the Terminals tab and upload the prepared CSV file.
Your contacts will now be categorized as Terminals in Shipper TMS.
Additional Tips for Uploading Contacts
To add new contacts to existing Customers or Terminals, ensure the Business Name matches exactly. Other fields can be left blank.
Refer to the Sample File for formatting guidelines when uploading additional contacts.
Need Help?
If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team. You can contact us via email at or click the chat icon in the lower right-hand corner of your screen to start a conversation. We’re here to help and look forward to assisting you!