Welcome to Super Dispatch! If you’re new here, we’re excited to help you get familiar with SuperPay. Once you’ve completed the onboarding process—verifying your business details and bank account—you can start using SuperPay as a payment method for your orders in the Shipper TMS. SuperPay automates payments to carriers, helping you streamline the payment process while ensuring accuracy and timeliness.
Selecting SuperPay as a Payment Method
After onboarding, SuperPay will appear as a payment method when creating an order in Shipper TMS.
Steps to Add SuperPay to an Order:
Choose SuperPay: Select SuperPay as the payment method while creating a new order.
Set Payment Terms: Specify the payment terms (e.g., 1-3 days, 5, 10, 15, or 20 business days).
Save the Order: Once saved, you’ll see the SuperPay logo next to the Carrier Price for the selected order.
Flow of Funds with SuperPay
SuperPay closely follows the lifecycle of an order, automating payment events based on the carrier’s updates in Super Dispatch. This ensures that carriers are paid as soon as possible after completing delivery.

1-3 Business Day Terms
Below, we will cover 1-3 Business Day Terms:
Delivered Status - SuperPay Charged:
When the order is marked as Delivered, SuperPay debits the shipper’s bank account for the Total Carrier Price.
You will see a SuperPay Charge Initiated event in the Activity Log, indicating the transaction is processing.
The debit transaction typically takes up to two business days to complete, after which the Activity Log will update to SuperPay Charged.
5, 10, 15, or 20 Business Day Terms
Below, we will cover 5, 10, 15, or 20 Business Day Terms:
Charge Scheduled:
For longer payment terms, SuperPay schedules a charge date visible in the Charge Scheduled field.
The shipper’s bank account is debited on this scheduled date, and the SuperPay Charge Initiated event will appear in the Activity Log.
Deposit Expected:
The payment to the carrier is deposited on the date shown in the Deposit Expected field.
Payment to the Carrier
Once the carrier has delivered the load, one of two events will follow:
Automated Payment Initiation: Payment is scheduled to be deposited according to the chosen terms (e.g., 3 business days for short terms or the date in the Deposit Expected field for longer terms).
Payment On Hold: Payment is temporarily paused if there are issues requiring resolution.
Arbitration Window
Below, we will cover the Arbitration Window:
What is the Arbitration Window?
The arbitration window provides a two-business-day period after delivery during which shippers can place payments on hold, even if Digital Delivery Verification has already initiated the payment process.
Placing Payments on Hold:
If you need to resolve any issues (e.g., disputes over delivery), you can use this window to halt the payment process.
After resolving the issue, the payment will need to be manually resumed.
Manually Initiating Payment
If a payment has been placed on hold, whether due to Digital Delivery Verification failure or manual intervention, you will need to resume the payment manually.
Steps to Manually Resume Payment:
Locate the Order: Navigate to the Order Details or the Orders List in the Shipper TMS.
Click Resume Payment: You’ll see a Resume Payment button, which will initiate the payment to the carrier.
Confirm and Complete: Once you click Resume Payment, the process will proceed, and the carrier will be paid.
Need Help?
Should you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to contact our support team at any time. You can reach us via email at, or simply click on the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen to start a conversation with us. We’re here to help and look forward to assisting you!